
Import Plugin results in spamming 2 same error-codes and breaks Godot. Version 2.1.1

Opened this issue · 1 comments

ERROR: _File::eof_reached: Condition ' !f ' is true. returned: false
At: core\bind\core_bind.cpp:1521
ERROR: _File::get_line: Condition ' !f ' is true. returned: String()
At: core\bind\core_bind.cpp:1631
ERROR: _File::eof_reached: Condition ' !f ' is true. returned: false
At: core\bind\core_bind.cpp:1521
.... (keeps going)
Seems like the Script doesnt like the newer Version. And yes, i followed your youtube_tutorial and did as you suggested. Still doesnt work for some reason.

so much strange.
I working with this in a project, using lasted stable Godot and GitHub version.
Wait some hours, I have new updates to projet. But, there are so much changes.