
How to set angular injector to strict mode?

Opened this issue · 2 comments


With angular 1.3 it is possible to set the dependency injector to strict mode.
It looks like it is not possible with AngularAMD.
Currently AngularAMD calls angular.bootstrap with only 2 parameters (line 448):

orig_angular.bootstrap(elem, [app_name]);

So it is no possible to define a config to angular.bootstrap (third parameter of the function in angular 1.3).
To fix this issue, I had to override angular.boostrap function to set strict mode to true.
But It would be great to be able to set a config with angularAMD.



Good point. I marked it as an enhancement for next version. More specifically, need to support optional config param of .bootstrap method as per:


Maybe config can be added as an optional parameter to this function and be passed to angular.bootstrap call:
AngularAMD.prototype.bootstrap = function (app, enable_ngload, elem, config) { ... }