
Docs: Examples of how to specify model

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I know nothing about linear models, so the requirement to define a linear model is not clear. Could you please provide examples of how to specify models that will be recognized (factor, interaction term, etc.)? And in the case of a type 3 (which I see is cased in the code but the README says is forthcoming), how do you specify which factors are random or fixed?

You're absolutely right on the README - I really should really bring it up to date.

Concerning the linear models you can just think of an (simple) ANOVA as a linear regression with categorical predictors (factors). So the models should like this @formula(CRITERION ~ FACTOR1+ FACTOR2). If you want to have interactions in your ANOVA, just include an (or multiple) interaction term(s): @formula(CRITERION ~ FACTOR1 + FACTOR2 + FACTOR1 * FACTOR2).

The README answers some of those questions,
For specifying a variable is categorical,

categorical!(data, :ThisIsACategoricalVariable, :ThisIsAnotherCategoricalVariable)

For linear models through GLM.jl

@formula(response ~ exogenous)

For more information on the formulae (e.g., interactions, different contrasts, etc.).
ANOVA for Linear Mixed Models are not yet implemented, but the models are provided here.

@marcpabst - Curious, when you refer to Type I/II/III, are you referring to fixed, random, and mixed model ANOVA, or Type I/II/III Sums of Squares?

Spend Christmas with the family so I hadn't very much time to answer - I'm referring to the partition of sums of squares