
Unable to locate publishable resources.

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I'm on Laravel 6.20.27 running igdb-laravel 2.1.1

Plugin installs fine but when I try to publish the configuration file I get an error saying "Unable to locate publishable resources."
I have tried everything that comes to mind but I just cant get this to work. Could you please assist me?

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MarcReichel\IGDB-Laravel\IGDBLaravelServiceProvider"
Unable to locate publishable resources.

Well, you have a typo in your command. It has to be IGDBLaravel, not IGDB-Laravel:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\IGDBLaravelServiceProvider"

@marcreichel, thank you so much for the quick response,

unfortunately the typo was made while writing the question not how I was actually running the command, so I am still facing this issue.

Even more strange is that the package does not appear while running php artisan vedor:publish either

but it is there when running php artisan package:discover

manually creating igdb.php file in config folder has no effect nor does adding the credentials in .env
I have edited the files in vendor folder with my credentials just to test it out and that makes the package work flawlessly.

Please let me know if I could provide you with any more details

No worries, this sounds like you have cached your configuration with php artisan config:cache. Please try clearing your config cache with php artisan config:clear and then try again publishing the config. Then the credentials in your .env file should work as well because the .env is not used while the config is cached.

Feel free to get back to me if this does not do the trick.

I had already tried that and it does not solve the issue. I have re-checked just in case, but the problem persists.

Update, although I can still not publish the resource automatically, manually creating the igdb.php file in config folder works after I have cleared the cache.

If no one else mentioned this issue then it might be something with my project specifically, so mark this as complete.

@marcreichel thank you so much for your support

Okay, happy to help (at least half way through ๐Ÿ˜…).

I will look into this issue with your provided versions though just to be sure if it's a general problem or not ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

So I leave it open for now ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

@paishin So, just to give you an update: I've created a fresh test project with Laravel v6.20.27 and installed this package with version 2.1.1 and I was able to publish the config file with php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MarcReichel\IGDBLaravel\IGDBLaravelServiceProvider". So it seems to not be a problem with this package you've faced but with your project somehow.
Are you able to publish config files (or views e.g.) from other packages?