
Laravel HTTP request returned status code 401 "Authorization Failure"

safeboot opened this issue · 5 comments

My Laravel app started to get the following error out of nowhere, even on a clean project.

HTTP request returned status code 401: { "message": "Authorization Failure. Have you tried:", "Tip 1": "Ensure you are sending Authorization and Client-I (truncated...)

I've checked with IGDB admins and I was told to check my headers and "using client_secret as oauth token is number 1 problem".

Is there a possible fix to this, I've triple-checked my keys and secrets.

That's strange as I used the package just a few hours ago with no problems at all.

Which version of the package are you using/facing problems with?

Just checked: It's working fine for me 🤔 No authentication problems or whatsoever. 🤔

Do you have any further information from your private messages with CodeCrshr?

No, I check I didn't miss anything, here is the chat log:

codecrshr — Yesterday at 9:52 PM: Make sure you're sending headers correctly that's the #1 problem
safeboot — Yesterday at 9:53 PM - Hmmm... I am using a package that does that wait
codecrshr — Yesterday at 9:53 PM - well, using the client_secret as the oauth token is the #1 problem, but after that, it's that headers aren't being sent correctly

(ignore the # 1) - I've tried composer update and uninstalling and installing the package twice. As for version I am on "^3.1". Could this be something wrong with my Laravel installation rather than the package?

Tested this on a newly installed environment and I had no issues so far (generated new id + secret).

Can you do the same in a reproducable manner in case something is wrong?

I created a new project on a secondary computer and it seems to have worked, so that narrows it down to my Laravel installation. Something must've broken randomly, I'll have to go back and check but I am not sure.

In any case thank you.