
Add dotfiles.alias role

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  • Depends on profile role
    • Profile sets up which alias sets to source
    • Allows common aliases whether bash, zsh, fish, etc. is used
    • Environment variables might be used to define other alias options
  • Works with a git repository containing alias sets
    • This role will clone it, much like it does for zsh
    • Then an alias-include file gets templated and referenced in the profile

Taken from old duplicate of issue #16:

This role should be associated with another dots repo dots-alias that manages multiple sets of aliases that are selectable in ansible by templating a shell file that sources different sets of files for different machines. Each file will be grouped by purpose or program.

Start by CUTTING and pasting from the zsh plugins and alias files in the dots-zsh repo, then do the same for dots-bash removing duplicates. Then in both repos add a line that sources the alias file this role creates.