
Auto-complete predefined values do not appear on any other synced devices

Opened this issue · 1 comments

What happened?

In Table view, when you choose "configure field" and add "options" " auto-complete using predefined fields..." and input some predefined values for the field on one device, the field appears on other devices, but the associated values do not appear as auto complete options on any other device, MacOS or IOS.

What did you expect to happen?

My vaults are synced so I can manage the same project on any of my Macs or iOS devices, depending on where I am at that moment.
In table view, I expected new auto-complete values for a given field created on one device, to appear on the other devices.

How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?

On one Mac that has other Macs and iOS devices synced to that vault
Go to table view
Add field
Add an option, enter a value
Add an option, enter a second value
Create field
New field should appear on that Mac
Go to another device that is synced to that vault
In table view
Either double click in the field you just created to confirm if the predefined values you entered are available
Or click the three dots to configure field to confirm if the predefined values you entered in the steps above appear

Anything else we need to know?

Mac OS Sonoma 14.1.1
iOS 17.1.2

On all devices:
Obsidian version 1.4.16
Plugin version 1.17.1

Plugin version


Obsidian version




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