
bug(board): can't select status property

Opened this issue · 3 comments

What happened?

Try to select status property as "Status" field on a Project Board view, but it doesn't show up

What did you expect to happen?

Have the status property of my files laid out as columns by selecting it in the "Status" field on a Project Board view

How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?

  1. Create note in folder
  2. Add property called "status" to the note
  3. Create Project in same folder
  4. Add Board view
  5. Try to select the status property in the "Status" field of the board view

can't select status on Board in Projects plugin Obsidian

Anything else we need to know?

No response

Plugin version


Obsidian version




For now status, namely the field used to group note for board view should be a text field, and from your screenshot I can see your status field is in List type. Using list as group by field is proposed in issue #117.

I see your question in discussion #661, asking about why options doesn't show up. That is also only supported by text fields but not list fields. About field system there's a lot of enhancement in progress. Thanks for posting these and happy taking notes!

Ok so I had the same Issue as you have.
I just created a a new yaml called Status, with big S. It is a list type and it has some stuff, like on it and done and so on.

Then I go to table view of my projects, click on settings of status and configure fields and add the fields that mach wich each list option of status, need to be written the exact same.
After that voila, you have a kanban board. Just pay attention, sometimes the column move around if you dont have a note in them, just disable and enable rich text formatting, worked for me.

To be honest the holfe thing would be easier if it had tags and thats also a big reason I am not using it so much, because all my other plugins are tag based besides projects. Just hope they are gonna add it.

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