
Wrapper around GO's native net/http library.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go http server Build Status

This package provides wrapper around GO's native net/http library. It allows you to define parametrized routes and authentication providers while keeping minimal footprint.

Getting started

Minimal setup is easy. You need to create a Config object that allows you to modify properties of your server and then pass the config to a NewServer function.

import "github.com/marekgalovic/go-http-server"

func main() {
    config := server.NewConfig()
    s := server.NewServer(config)

    s.Get("/articles", ListArticles, nil)


Handler functions

As you can see above, every route defnition needs to be associated with a handler function. The handler function accepts only one parameter of type Request.

// example handler function
func ListArticles(request *server.Request) *server.Response {
    articles := []*Article{
        &Article{Id: 1, Title: "First"},
        &Article{Id: 2, Title: "Second"},
    return request.Response().Json(articles)

Parametrized routes

There are 4 methods that allow you to define your routes. A code example below shows how to define restful endpoinds for a resource. First parameter is a route of the resource, second parameter is a handler function and third parameter is an authentication provider.

// example route definitions
s.Get("/articles", ListArticles, nil)
s.Get("/article/:id", ShowArticle, nil)
s.Post("/article", CreateArticle, nil)
s.Put("/article/:id", UpdateArticle, nil)
s.Delete("/article/:id", UpdateArticle, nil)


Request object exposes attributes about the request as well as defines methods to create responses. Available attributes are Method (string), Path (string), Params (url.Values), Header (http.Header), RemoteAddr (string), Body (io.ReadCloser). There is also a bunch of methods that you can use in your handlers.

Get method to access request parameters.

// example path definition /article/:id
// request path /article/5?foo=bar

id := request.Get(":id")
foo := request.Get("foo")

Json method to read JSON encoded body to a struct.

var article Article

SetCookie & GetCookie helpers to modify stored cookies.

request.SetCookie("name", "value", 60 * time.Minute)

Response method returns a response(*Response) object associated with this request.



Plain method to respond with plain-text body.

request.Response().Plain("Article id %d", 1)

Json method to write JSON responses.

request.Response().Json(map[string]string{"foo": "bar"})

Error to write error responses with specific code.

request.Response().Error(404, "Resource id: %d not found", 2)

ErrorJson to write error responses with JSON body.

request.Response().Error(500, map[string]string{"message": "Unable to connect to database"})

File to respond with a file. File path should be relative to StaticRoot defined in server config.



request.Response().Redirect(301, "http://google.com")



SetHeader to set a response headers.

request.Response().SetHeader("Keep-Alive", "timeout=5")

Response methods support method chaining so you can use request.Response().SetCode(404).Plain("Resource not found")


Although this package doesn't implement sessions support directly, it provides a convinient wrapper around gorilla/sessions. To set a session store call UseSessionStore method on server object and provide a store instance that implements sessions.Store interface.


Accessing session variables from your handler functions.

session, _ := request.Session("session_name")
// Get a value
// Set a value
session.Set("key", "value")
// Delete a value

Set, Delete will return a non nil error if there was an error while saving a session value. request.Session will return a non nil error if either no session store is set or there was an error while deserializing the session.

Authentication providers

You can create authentication provider to create authentication strategy that best fits your needs. There is only one method defined by AuthProvider interface called Verify. This method accepts Request object as a parameter and returns Response object if authentication fails and nil if authentication was successful.

Define an authentication provider

type MyAuthProvider struct {}

func (auth *MyAuthProvider) Verify(request *server.Request) *server.Response {
    if request.Get("auth_token") == "secret_token" {
        return nil
    return request.Response().Error(401, "Authentication failed")

Use the provider to protect your routes

auth := &MyAuthProvider{}

s.Get("/articles", ListArticles, nil) // public route
s.Post("/article", CreateArticle, auth) // protected route

SSL support

To configure a secure server you need to provide a path to your certificate and key.

config.CertFile = "server.crt"
config.KeyFile = "server.key"


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/marekgalovic/go-http-server. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.