Terraform Starter

Terraform Setup


Make sure to update the config file located under the config directory for which env you want to deploy.

Set the local ENV and AWS_PROFILE to be used

export ENV=dev
export AWS_PROFILE=terraform-starter


Inside the api/cron folders, run npm install followed by npm run dev to start up the api server.


Prior to deployment, you need to manually create a S3 bucket, which will be used to store Terraform state files. This is the only interaction needed on AWS. Once you create the S3 bucket, edit the settings.json in the root of the project.

 "stateBucket": "terraform-api-state-bucket",
 "projectPrefix": "terraform",
 "primaryRegion": "us-east-2"

Build Infrascture and Deploy API

make deploy

Deploy API

make deploy-api

Deploy Lambdas

make deploy-lambdas

Deploy Single Lambda

LAMBDA=sample make deploy-lambda