
Compatibility issues with latest slack api

jamshid opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thanks for providing this! With slack dropping some deprecated apis recently it was the only script I found that successfully downloaded DMs.
I made a few changes to handle some errors I encountered and added --debug and --all. Sorry I didn't make a real fork and pull request.

# This script '' downloads DMs. I can't believe there aren't more complete
# and official tools to do this.
# Slack recently change User Token authentiction and dropped some deprecated apis.
# This used old apis:
# Tried using these changes but still had problems:
# Finally found this which mostly worked just had to make some fixes and add --all:
# Unfortunately it only grabs one-to-one DMs, not multi-user chats. 
# It also doesn't grab channels. I think there are other tools that do that?
# python3 --token xoxp-4988244079-19823645074-1832659426481-blah  --debug --all
# As the github README says, you have to Create New App and configure its User Token Scopes
# then Install App into your Workspace to get a User Token. The "OAuth and Permissions" link on left
# shows your "OAuth Tokens for Your Team" e.g. "xoxp-4988244079...". 
# PS: I don't understand "for Your Team" because it's your user token that has access to
# your DMs so it should never be shared with your team? Anyway afaik the app is only
# visible by you.
# It creates a bunch of json files in a "slack-data" subdirectory. The files
# are named with the userid you you were chatting with.
# $ jq . 'chat_D5NPV744Q_(2900-2941).txt'
# ...
#  {
#    "user_id": "U220GNV2T",
#    "user_name": "pray",
#    "text": "Good. Rainy and cool. It's good to see Lena.",
#    "ts": "1496765013.166083",
#    "date": "2017-06-06 16:03:33"
#  },
# ...

import os
import json
import shutil
import requests
import argparse
import time
import sys
import traceback

from datetime import datetime
    from pick import pick
    print('You need to "pip3 install pick" or always use --all and comment out the pick() call.')

def auth(token):
        r ='', data = {'token': token})

        data = r.json()
        if data['ok'] and data['ok']:
            print(f"Successfully authenticated for team {data['team']} (ID {data['team_id']}) and user {data['user']} (ID {data['user_id']})")
            return True
            print(f"Something went wrong. Error: {data['error']}")
            return False

    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Something went wrong. Status code: {r.status_code}')
        return False

def retrieve_data(endpoint, payload):
        r ='{endpoint}', data = payload)
        print(f'Data retrieved OK. Status code: {r.status_code}')
        # print('!!!r.text=%s' % (r.text[:500]))
        data =  r.json()
        # print('!!!%s' % (json.dumps(data, indent=4)[:500]))
        if data['ok']:
            with open(f'{endpoint}.json', 'w') as f:
                json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
            print(f"Error: {data['error']}")

    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Something went wrong. Status code: {r.status_code}')

def fetch_users():
    with open('users.list.json') as f:
        users_dump = json.loads(
        users = {}
        for member in users_dump['members']:
            # if not member['is_bot']:
            users[member['id']] = {
                'name': member['name'], 
                'real_name': member['profile']['real_name']
    return users

def fetch_conversations():
    with open('conversations.list.json') as f:
        conversations_dump = json.loads(
        conversations_dict = {}
        conversations_list = []
        for conver in conversations_dump['channels']:
            if conver['is_im']:
                #print('!!!conver=%s' % (conver))
                conversations_dict[conver['id']] = {
                    'user_id': conver['user'], 
                    'user_name': users[conver['user']]['name']
        return (conversations_dict, conversations_list)

        """ These are only available if the types are specified on POST conversations.list?
        if conver['is_mpim']:
            channels[conver['id']] = {
                'creator': conver['creator'], 
        if conver['is_channel']:
            channels[conver['id']] = {
                'creator': conver['creator'], 
                'is_private': conver['is_private']

def fetch_message_data(payload):
    r = data = None
    back = 0

        # while there are older messages
        while r == None or data['has_more']:
            # and it is not the first request
            if r != None:
                # change the 'latest' argument to fetch older messages
                payload['latest'] = data['messages'][-1]['ts'] 
            r ='', data = payload)
            print(f'Data retrieved OK. Status code: {r.status_code}')

            data =  r.json()
            if data['ok']:
                messages = []
                for message in data['messages']:
                    # print(u'!!!message=%s' % (message.keys()))
                    'user_id': message['user'] if 'user' in message else 'UNKNOWN', 
                    'user_name': users[message['user']]['name'] if 'user' in message else message['username'] if 'username' in message else 'UNKNOWN',
                    'text': message['text'],
                    'ts': message['ts'],
                    'date': datetime.fromtimestamp(float(message['ts'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                with open(f"chat_{payload['channel']}_({back}-{back + len(data['messages']) - 1}).txt", 'w') as f:
                    json.dump(messages, f, indent=4)
                back += len(data['messages'])
                print(f"Error: {data['error']}")

    except Exception as e:
        print('Exception: %s' % (repr(e)))
        print(f'Something went wrong. Status code: {r.status_code}')

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Define parser to pass OAuth token
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Export Slack history')
    parser.add_argument('--token', required = True, help = "OAuth Access Token")
    parser.add_argument('--all', required = False, action='store_true', help = "whether to save DMs with all users")
    parser.add_argument('--debug', required = False, action='store_true', help = "whether to show HTTP requests")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.debug:
        import logging
        import contextlib
        from http.client import HTTPConnection # py3
        HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 5
        requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3")
        requests_log.propagate = True

    # Do Auth Test to check user
    if auth(args.token):

        # Define the payload to do requests at Slack API
        PAYLOAD = {
            'token': args.token,

        # Create a directory where to store the data
        dir = 'slack-data'
        if not os.path.exists(dir):

        # Retrieve users and conversations lists
        retrieve_data('users.list', PAYLOAD)  
        users = fetch_users()

        PAYLOAD['types'] = 'im'
        retrieve_data('conversations.list', PAYLOAD)

        # Select chat to export
        title = 'Please the conversation to export: '
        convers, options = fetch_conversations()

        if args.all:
            for id in options:
                p = PAYLOAD.copy()
                print(f'\nPreparing to export chat {id} ({convers[id]["user_name"]})...\n')
                p['channel'] = id
            option, index = pick([f"Chat {option} with {convers[option]['user_name']}" for option in options], title)
            PAYLOAD['channel'] = options[index]

            # Export chat
            print('\nPreparing to export chat ...\n')

        # Auth fail

Hey @jamshid thanks for the feedback! I encountered the same issue - didn't find any working slack scrapper after their API update so I decided to make it on my own. Actually, to dowload channel messages or multi-user chats you should make a workaround on the fetch_conversations() function (there is some code commented), but I didn't do that bc I just needed DM. Saying that, the code can be much improved yes. Actually, thanks for your extra things on the code, would be wonderful if you could make a pull req