
Download latest news (radio)

svenove opened this issue · 6 comments

I want to download the latest news from NRK radio (

Is that supported by this tool?
Based on the readme, it looks like it will download all “episodes” if I enter a URL like that?

I've had a quick look at this: Some APIs are common for tv and radio, so this should be possible.
I haven't yet found out how to search for radio programs, but downloads from URLs should be possible.

Support for this might be included in the next release.

I found a way to do this myself, it worked in July, but it doesn’t handle “seasons” as it should (a month is a season).

I used this:

But it keeps giving the last episode of July. :(

One other way is combining
(To find the seasonId of the current month)

And then using this:
Then loop until today’s date (as this returns all episodes for this month/seasonId) and then loop until it finds a non-empty mediaAssetsOnDemand.

I emailed NRK about this yesterday, asking if the “latestAndNextEpisodes” has a bug about the seasons. I’ll let you know if I get a reply. :)

If you update your repository to the latest development branch (named v.2), you can do the following in another script:

import nrkdownload

series = nrkdownload.nrktv.series_from_series_id('dagsnytt')
program = series.seasons[-1].episodes[-2]

That will download the latest episode of 'Dagsnytt'. Experiment with either -2 or -1 (when I tried, -1 was not available for download yet).

Since I haven't really built in support for radio (yet), the file will be named .m4v, but will be audio only.

That’s great! I’ll try it out in a few days.

You might be experiencing the same as me when using -1 - the broadcast is finished, but the audio clip isn’t ready yet (seems to take 5-20 min after the broadcast). That’s why I fetched the last 2 episodes and used the newest one that had an audio clip available. :)

Btw, are you using psapi as well? Or are you using a different API? Looked briefly at the code, but didn’t find any reference to the API...

Fixed in version 2.0.0