
[Bug] Cannot Access MaxScale GUI Interface in Multi-Instance StatefulSet

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Describe the bug
I am facing an issue while deploying MaxScale in a multi-instance setup. When I have multiple instances running, I am unable to access the MaxScale GUI interface. However, I can successfully access the GUI interface when deploying a single instance or when only one instance is running.

Upon investigating the issue, I found that when I try to access the GUI interface with multiple instances running, I receive a "401 Unauthorized" error. To gather more information, I inspected the browser console using the F12 developer tools.

Expected behaviour

Environment details:

  • Kubernetes version: [1.17.2]
  • mariadb-operator version: [0.0.27]
  • Install method: [helm]
  • Install flavor: [custom]

Additional context

Hey there @luohaha3123 ! Thanks for reporting

This should be solved by #563. We have plans to support it shortly.


@mmontes11 Thank you for your response. Based on #563 , I have tried modifying the ServiceAffinity to ClientIP mode and found that it allows for normal access. However, I'm unsure if this approach would impact the load balancing capability of the Service.

@luohaha3123 that's a good one. It does have implications in load balancing, so probably not the best for the Service used to address MaxScale i.e. connecting to the database, but... ServiceAffinity=ClientIP could be a great option for the GUI Service, will update #563