
[Bug] cannot use database CR on galera clusters

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Describe the bug

node hangs when importing data

Expected behaviour

not hanging

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. create a galera cluster
  2. create a database CR on this cluster
  3. import lots of data in this database like restoring a dump on the primary node.

The node hangs.

| 316533 | root        |   | test                  | Query   |    514 | Waiting for certification       | INSERT INTO `test1` VALUES ([...] |    0.000 |
| 316562 | root        |  | NULL                  | Query   |    513 | Waiting to execute in isolation | CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `test` CHARACTER SET = 'utf8mb4' COLLATE = 'utf8mb4_g |    0.000 |

It was due to locks, dbeaver adds locks event in "no locks" dump, I had to add --skip-add-locks extra env.
When using a dump without locks, it works.

Hey there @vixns ! Thanks for bringing this up.

Indeed, Galera is incompatible with LOCK TABLES; statements:

I encourage you to use the Backup resource to take backups, it is a native mechanism that takes this into account, see the docs:

Hi @mmontes11
I was migrating a database from an old galera cluster, not managed by mariadb-operator, so It wasn't possible to use the Backup CR
For newcomers like me, having a migrate unmanaged cluster to mariadb-operator tutorial would be a great