Simple pug (jade) starter [framework] enabling faster delivery of HTML & CSS projects to a private server and/or automatic deployment of GitHub pages.
- marian-chemistdirectShoreditch, London, UK
- Banjer71UK
- CatalinJurcan
- k-zhai
- Jaskinjho1976
- khpaLondon, UK
- mdb3
- celestialbunnyKajang, Malaysia
- theshook
- soulhaxEstonia
- 38hossainafzal
- N-GarciaPortugal
- anchitguptNew Delhi, India
- czech-developer
- alintentuSibiu
- agnenevulyteLondon
- dbsimeonovLondon, UK
- jbest2015
- bayatu
- valdsonfmBrazil
- mopedope
- btknyx94
- TheTypo36Delhi
- aurelianene
- BogdanMadose
- shahidtiwana
- TabeicaRemusTimisoara
- rogertejeiraPanama, Rep. of Panama
- manuelpatrascu
- timoteidumitruLondon
- gneagoe91
- alexx23dany
- swig32
- ngayau
- DudauOvidiu
- aliniacoban