
Loop in management on tasks and deadlines

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The last time you directly communicated with management was in #1.1 After creating tasks and deadlines in #6, now might be a good time to loop management back in. Mainly because you want them backing you up during the next stage in case teams start complaining to their execs.

The second reason why I like to run stuff by management (yet) another time is that there might be tasks, deadlines, and requirements coming up that you don't know about. Challenging your deadlines - before you communicate them to your developers - with management is a great way to avoid double booking. Management will be able to tell you about these bigger picture things, and then you can take them into account and - if necessary - schedule around them.

Your developers will be forever thankful if you don't schedule the rollout of your change at the same time management wants to start everyone on a new task management platform.


  1. Unless you did so on your own in the meantime, in which case, good for you!