
Personal website and blog generator for Go, Node.js and Python

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Minimal is a personal static website and blog generator for Go, Node.js and Python. It has no external dependencies and requires only a few hundred lines of code to run. Everything is minimal, easy to take appart and rewrite.

Getting Started

To get started, fork this repository and create a local clone.

Modify ./content.json to your liking (symbol codes for social links can be found here).

To build locally and launch a simple web server run either of the following:

  • Install Node.js and run ./admin start node.
  • Install Go and run ./admin start go.
  • Install Python and run ./admin start python.


To deploy to a production enviroment set the deployment method in ./admin.cfg and update the corresponding .cfg file in the ./deploy folder, then run ./admin deploy to initiate the build and deploy.