
Popover dialog closes when selecting text in the document

ssssam opened this issue · 3 comments

First, thanks for making this extension and releasing it for free :)

This is extension uses a popover rather than a separate window to save the bookmarks. I like to copy quotes from the websites I bookmark, but when I do this using Epic Pinboard, the dialog closes automatically and loses all of the notes and tags I've entered so far. This makes it less practical for me than other extensions.

Thank you for your feedback. There is a possibility to use quotes from the website you are bookmarking. If you select some text before you open the popover, then this selection will be put into the "Notes" field automatically. Would this be practical for your use case? Or do you also copy quotes from multiple parts of the website?

I often quote from multiple places, re-edit, change my mind, etc...
It would be ideal for me if the popover stayed open until I close it -- does Firefox make that possible?
Or, if the extension saved the incomplete tags and notes to local storage and restored that when the popover reopened, it would be a lot more practical to use.