
No Client Connected / Blank Webpage

Opened this issue · 4 comments

So i have setup everything as per tutorial.
Hydraplay running on raspberry pi 4, snapclient running on windows and android.
Hydraplay webui starts but displays no client connected (image below)

Screenshot (289)

I know for sure the webserver is up and running since android client shows available devices when connected. Also the Hydraplay screen shows the same. (log below)


:8080/client/ shows nothing (image below)

Screenshot (290)

On the HydraPlay webpage I just keep getting error as:
Mopidy 0 connection lost.
Mopidy 1 connection lost.

Kindly help.

I'm also having this issue, though my setup is a bit different, server running in a docker container on a linux server and the client device is my phone or web browser. I also get the mopidy-0 connection lost popping in and out when viewing the client page on both browser and android.

I am still waiting for help mate.
Scouring the internet yields nothing.

So I found some help in a previous issue here, it has to do with the front-end running on port 8080. I changed both the compose.yaml and the .Json to read 80:80 and 80 respectively and it solved the problem, everything works great now.

Thanks for the help.
I did the changes as per your suggestion.
Now i have webpage running somewhat.
Screenshot (329)

Clicking on anything has no effect.
Moreover my webpage does not look like anything in the document image.
Help is needed.