Import Error
Closed this issue · 5 comments
ImmanuelSamuel commented
Got through this in the previous install but forgot what I did.
/home/immanuel/programs/python-packages/PySpike/pyspike/ in <module>()
9 "DiscreteFunc"]
---> 11 from PieceWiseConstFunc import PieceWiseConstFunc
12 from PieceWiseLinFunc import PieceWiseLinFunc
13 from DiscreteFunc import DiscreteFunc
ImportError: No module named 'PieceWiseConstFunc'
mariomulansky commented
There seems to be something wrong with the installation. Either it is incomplete or you have two PySpike installations that somehow interfere with each other.
ImmanuelSamuel commented
I did pip install pyspike and pip freeze shows only one pyspike version
mariomulansky commented
Did you try to uninstall and install PySpike again?
What does ls /home/immanuel/programs/python-packages/PySpike/pyspike
ImmanuelSamuel commented
Arrghh I didn't source activate python2 ... Sorry for the blunder. Which leads to my question - any plans on porting this to python3?
mariomulansky commented
Ah OK I see.
Python3 support should not be a big problem, but currently I don't have time to look into this. But I will open another issue for that to work on it later.