
issue with \

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I have been trying to just pull a stock list of all stocks on and my script was working just fine.
Then all of a sudden it stopped with this error.
finviz\", line 128, in init = self.__search_screener()

Research says it is something to do with starting with 0 versus a 1, but i cannot find it in the code.

here is the script i am running.

`from finviz.screener import Screener
import datetime

stock_list = Screener()

this was fixed in the current Master release. Thank you. I downloaded it and manually replaced the scripts. works well. Thank you

I have opened a pull request with a fix as this issue continues.

I am also seeing the IndexError on initialization. How do I pip install the pull request with the fix?

Thank you, please keep me posted

`~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\finviz\ in init(self, tickers, filters, rows, order, signal, table, custom, user_agent, request_method)
127 self.analysis = []
--> 128 = self.__search_screener()
130 def call(

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\finviz\ in __search_screener(self)
434 )
--> 436 self._rows = self.__check_rows()
437 self.headers = self.__get_table_headers()

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\finviz\ in __check_rows(self)
406 if self._total_rows == 0:
--> 407 raise NoResults(self._url.split("?")[1])
408 elif self._rows is None or self._rows > self._total_rows:
409 return self._total_rows

NoResults: No results found for query: v=141&t=&f=exch_nasd%2Cidx_sp500&o=price&s=&c=`

The core issue appears to be that the scrape module in is no longer functioning properly. In the check_rows function, total_rows is set to scrape.get_total_rows. which is returning no result. The issue appears to be in the module.

I suspect, but have not investigated deeply enough yet that the get_table function in is malfunctioning due to a new html structure at Finviz.

Here is the current code of that function:

def get_table(page_html: requests.Response, headers, rows=None, **kwargs):
""" Private function used to return table data inside a list of dictionaries. """
if isinstance(page_html, str):
page_parsed = html.fromstring(page_html)
page_parsed = html.fromstring(page_html.text)
# When we call this method from Portfolio we don't fill the rows argument.
# Conversely, we always fill the rows argument when we call this method from Screener.
# Also, in the portfolio page, we don't need the last row - it's redundant.
if rows is None:
rows = -2 # We'll increment it later (-1) and use it to cut the last row

data_sets = []
# Select the HTML of the rows and append each column text to a list
all_rows = [
    for column in page_parsed.cssselect('tr[valign="top"]')

# If rows is different from -2, this function is called from Screener
if rows != -2:
    for row_number, row_data in enumerate(all_rows, 1):
        data_sets.append(dict(zip(headers, row_data)))
        if row_number == rows:  # If we have reached the required end
    # Zip each row values to the headers and append them to data_sets
    [data_sets.append(dict(zip(headers, row))) for row in all_rows]

return data_sets


I am guessing all_rows is likely where the problem resides.