
Rows returned don't match online screener

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Using this criteria I get 11 rows:
some_filters = [filters["Country"]["USA"],
filters["Market Cap."]["Mid ($2bln to $10bln)"],
filters["20-Day Simple Moving Average"]["Price below SMA20"],
filters["50-Day Simple Moving Average"]["Price below SMA50"],
filters["200-Day Simple Moving Average"]["Price above SMA200"],
filters["Average Volume"]["Over 1M"],
filters["Current Volume"]["Over 1M"]]

But this URL returns 39 rows.,geo_usa,sh_avgvol_o1000,sh_curvol_o1000,sh_opt_option,ta_sma20_pb,ta_sma200_pa,ta_sma50_pb&ft=4

I think this was fixed here: ba6c092

It wasn't, although that patch did fix returning zero rows which I was also getting.

The issue of not matching the row counts occurred after having made that patch.

I included the code and the URL so someone would be able to verify it without too much difficulty.