
The video image is kind of restless

WADPH opened this issue · 15 comments

WADPH commented

hello, thank you for the project. Unfortunately, on my TV, your app is working strangely. It connects, there is sound and video. But the problem is that the video image is kind of restless. I really hope that you will help me. I'm sorry for my English, I don't speak it, so I have to use a translator

I think this may be due to the fact that it is necessary to change the bitrate, framerate and resolution settings. But there are items "option 1" "option 2" "option 3" and after I change
let's say the first one is on the second one and after I re-enter the settings, then everything will be as before. In short, the settings are not saved

Version: 0.2.2
Audio Module: lgnc
Video Module: lgnc
webOS Version: 3.9.0

This is image after connecting pc to tv

Hello, it seems that the video is not working properly. Do you have multiple monitors? Or it is a wide one? (like 21:9)

WADPH commented

I have only one monitor and it is 16x9(1600x900 resolution)

WADPH commented

I have only one monitor and it is 16x9(1600x900 resolution)

Thank you. I'll investigate.

WADPH commented

Привет, кажется, что видео не работает должным образом. У вас несколько мониторов? Или он широкий? (например, 21:9)

I tried changing the screen resolution settings on my computer and it didn't affect the image in any way

I'm sorry, for some reason I don't have messages displayed on GitHub and I think it hasn't been sent. therefore, the messages are duplicated

I also accidentally closed the issue, I apologize for my lack of caution

Don't worry, I'll investigate and fix the issue. Although it may take some time.

WADPH commented

Don't worry, I'll investigate and fix the issue. Although it may take some time.

thank you very much in advance if you find something let us know
And I would also like to ask about the fact that why the settings do not change is this a bug or should it be?

It's a work in progress, and changes nothing, sorry.

WADPH commented

Hello, I also forgot to add (suddenly it will somehow help)

If anything, the image is not just "broken". If you allow to open a white background on a PC, then the broadcast on Tv will also be white. That is, the broadcast works, but it does not work correctly somehow. it's as if it's broken, and it needs to be put together like a puzzle

If you need, then I can post a video of exactly what I want to explain

Sorry for the clumsy English

Hello, I'm thinking if the 1600x900 resolution can be the reason. Could you try 1280x720?

WADPH commented

Hello, I'm thinking if the 1600x900 resolution can be the reason. Could you try 1280x720?

Unfortunately that's not the point
I changed the resolution, but there is no result. These strange fragments just flash and change on the Tv screen, but this does not lead to a normal image
If anything, I changed the resolution both in the PC itself and in the settings of Remote Play (Steam)

Thanks for the info. I'll show some info of the video on the screen in future releases.

WADPH commented

Thanks for the info. I'll show some info of the video on the screen in future releases.

Thank you too, I hope you will succeed
I can't wait for the moment when I can play games on my TV
Good luck to you!

WADPH commented

Oh my God, after the update everything works correctly. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS PROJECT
Good luck to you!

I think, you can close issue:)
Thanks again!

Very great to hear that. Happy gaming!