This package depends on PCL 1.8 and VTK 7.1. Install VTK first and make sure that PCL is compiled against 7.1 or there will be run time errors.
These packages run on Ubuntu 16.04
git clone
cmake .
sudo make install
git clone
open CMakeLists.txt change line 364 from "find_package(VTK)" to "find_package(VTK 7.1 REQUIRED)"
cmake .
sudo make install
Run the unit tests for each package: catkin_make run_tests_
catkin_make run_tests_tool_path_planner
The noether package has an executable which is able to take in a mesh file (.stl format), read it, segment the file into adjacent surfaces, and plan paths for each surface. Work is in progress to read in point cloud (.pcd) files, but meshing results are not reliable right now.