
[Password Pasting] Login form not detected

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This is a meta issue to report any website where login forms are not detected at all.

  • Please report any website here where the steps to reproduce below lead to the described result.
  • Please only comment the url of the website.
  • Please check if the website is already reported.
  • Please also comment if an update fixes the website.
  • Other types of errors do not belong into this issue.

Steps to reproduce

  1. I am on a website containing a login form
  2. I click on a password entry in the extension popup or the context menu
  3. The login form on the page is not filled with the password data
  4. I get a red error message in the popup telling me that the entry could not be pasted

Expected result

The password should be pasted into the login form on the website correctly.

Actual result

The password is not pasted and the login form remains empty.

TtuxX commented

Hello Marius,

Here is a website for which login forms are not detected.
The website has a kind of "two-step" login fields: at first you can only input your mail/ID on the page, then the login page loads and ask you this time to input only the password.

Google account

Login URL:

Steps to reproduce

  1. I am on the website containing the login form (
  2. I click on a password entry in the extension popup or the context menu
  3. The mail login form on the page is not filled with the password data
  4. I get no feedback message at all in the popup
  5. The email field is still empty.

Expected result

The ID and password should be pasted into the login form on the website correctly.

Actual result

The ID and password are not pasted and the login form remains empty.

If I enter the ID manually and I then click again on an ID inside the Passwords webextension, the password is then correctly pasted, but the "Next" button is not automatically clicked.

Thank you very much in advance Marius for your work and dedication to improving login forms detection! :)

Kind regards