
[Password Pasting] Login form filled incorrectly

Opened this issue · 5 comments

This is a meta issue to report any website where login forms are filled incorrectly or incompletely and the login fails.

  • Please report any website here where the steps to reproduce below lead to the described result.
  • Please only comment the url of the website.
  • Please check if the website is already reported.
  • Please also comment if an update fixes the website.
  • Pleas check if your login data stored in the extension is actually correct.
  • Other types of errors do not belong into this issue.

Steps to reproduce

  1. I am on a website containing a login form
  2. I click on a password entry with a valid username and password for an account on the website in the extension popup or the context menu
  3. The login form on the page is filled with the password data (Some data like the username may be missing)
  4. When the form is submitted (automatically or manually) the login fails an i am not logged in.
  5. When i enter the login data manually or trough copy and pasting from the extension popup, the login works

Expected result

The password should be pasted into the login form on the website correctly and the login should succeed.

Actual result

The password is pasted into the login form incorrectly or incomplete and the login fails

2 problems:

  1. Saved credentials are incorrect (password not detected, username detected as some hash)
  2. It doesn't autosubmit although all options on latest extension are checked. Manually pressing ENETER in password filed or clicking the blue button Потврди works, which means it is filled correctly (using next cloud created entry)

Password fills in, but username does not. The username field uses an <input> tag; here is the tree view using Chrome's Inspect feature:

"Company" (USERNAME) and "Password" (PASSWORD) fill in fine, but "User Name" (USER GUESS #1) does not. I tried defining a Form Field "USER GUESS #1" in the password details, but it still did not autofill.