
Use local IP for URL setting in Chrome Browser Extension

Closed this issue · 1 comments

System Information

  • Extension Version: 2.2.4
  • App Version: 23.0.3
  • Browser and Version: Chrome Version 100.0.4896.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Client OS and Version: Windows 10 Home 19043.1645

Steps to reproduce

Try to change my browser extension settings, from an external URL ( to an IP Address ( Also tried to add a new user with these settings and it also didn't work.

  1. None.
  2. None.

Expected result

What should happen?
I would think that it should resolve the url and find my nextcloud instance regardless of if I'm using a full URL or an IP address and port for my local network. I have an issue with my new router that doesn't like hairpinning, so I need to access my services from inside my network via their local address, rather than external url.

Actual result

What does happen?
The settings don't work and don't save. I see either Failed to Fetch or "Base Url Missing or Invalid".

Browser log

Browser log
In Firefox:
 - Open about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
 - Click "Inspect" on the extension
 - Copy the content from the "Console" tab

In Chrome
 - Open chrome://extensions
 - Enable "Developer mode" in the top right corner
 - Click "Background page" on the extension
 - Copy the content from the "Console" tab

I didn't expect the validation to fail that fast when creating the form. Usually there is a message informing you that HTTP is not a supported protocol. I was able to connect to a HTTPS server via IP successfully as long as the connection was done with a certificate that was accepted by the browser.