
100% CPU usage when browser is open

Closed this issue · 6 comments

System Information

  • Extension Version: 2.2.4
  • App Version:
  • Browser and Version: Vivaldi
  • Client OS and Version:

Steps to reproduce

  1. open browser
  2. watch cpu hit 100%

Expected result

What should happen?
It should use a reasonable amount of CPU some of the time

Actual result

Uses an unreasonable amount of CPU all of the time

Started for me too just recently (uses a single core at 100% right after start) + plugin itself not responsive. Meaning, nothing happens when I click the Key icon.

This lasts for 5-10 minutes (estimate) then CPU usage drops and extension is responsive again.
No recent update on NC side, so maybe a Chromium / Blink update?

  • Extension Version: 2.2.4
  • App Version: 2022.6.20
  • Chrome 104.0.5112.81
  • Windows 10 21h2

Same here - started for me after the latest Chrome Update - before that I didn't had the issue.
Or at least didn't noticed it, since the Password Popover at least opened.

a7lan commented

Same here. Last Vivaldi version.

Same here - Brave 1.42.95 (Chromium: 104.0.5112.81)

I think this is related to #230

Duplicate of #230