
Recover cleanly from connection issues (412 errors and others)

Opened this issue · 0 comments

jficz commented

System Information

  • Extension Version: 2.2.6
  • App Version: 2022-07-20
  • Browser and Version: Brave 1.42.88
  • Client OS and Version: NixOS unstable

Steps to reproduce

  1. At some point the extension stops working with red banners filled with connection errors or 412 errors in case of password generation tab
  2. Go to extension settings
  3. Open the account and click the "save" button
  4. Errors are gone and you're asked for the master password

Expected result

Since nothing changed, the extension should be able to automatically recover from these issues by resetting the connection or whatever happens when you just click "safe" button.

Browser log

not yet I'm afraid, forgot to catch them the last time. Will add when I get the error again.