
Resizable left navigation sidebar

Primary LanguageJavaScript


➤ Live demo

See the Pen bronco-button by marius2502 (@marius2502) on CodePen.


➤ Installation

$ npm i https://github.com/marius2502/bronco-side-navbar.git
import '@marius/broncosidenavbar/dist/main';


➤ bronco-side-navbar

Left sidebar. To include icons following has to be included in index.html =>


Property Type Default Description
dragBtn HTMLElement required
hideOnMobile boolean true Makes the navbar disappear on mobile devices
mobile boolean false If true, either navbar is completely hidden, when hideOnMobile = true or only leftHeader and rightHeader are shown
navItems string[] Takes an array to set (minimum: 3, maximum 5) nav items, of this component
selectedItem string "Components" Sets selected item. Default is first item
sideBar HTMLElement required


Event Description
selected Dispatches a CustomEvent when nav item is selected. Selected item is stored in detail of Custom event

CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--bg-color Background color of navitem
--bg-color-hover Hover background color of navItem
--bg-color-icon-hover Hover color of icon
--color Font color
--padding-top Defines where navItems should begin
--position Position of ul
--primary-color Change primary color easily
--sidebar-min-height Sidebar min height. Default: inherit
--sidebar-width Sidebar width. Default: 100%;


➤ Contributors

Marius Bongarts You?
Marius Bongarts You?


➤ License

Licensed under ISC.