
Could not find 'ChartJsInterop.setupChart

LeiYangGH opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

I can clone the git repo and run the samples, but when include and run in my own project, got exception.

Which Blazor project type is your bug related to?

  • Server-Side

Which charts does this bug apply to?


To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. ChartJs.Blazor.Fork 2.0.2 install by nuget
  2. Copy almost all code from
  3. only the data is made my own.
LineDataset<int> dataset1 = new LineDataset<int>(my own list<int>)
  1. See error.

Expected behavior

Can run and show chart.

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server.Circuits.RemoteRenderer: Warning: Unhandled exception rendering component: Could not find 'ChartJsInterop.setupChart' ('ChartJsInterop' was undefined).
Error: Could not find 'ChartJsInterop.setupChart' ('ChartJsInterop' was undefined).
at http://localhost:5000/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:67713
at Array.forEach ()
at e.findFunction (http://localhost:5000/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:67673)
at v (http://localhost:5000/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:69415)
at http://localhost:5000/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:70361
at new Promise ()
at e.beginInvokeJSFromDotNet (http://localhost:5000/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:70334)
at http://localhost:5000/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:26441
at Array.forEach ()
at e.invokeClientMethod (http://localhost:5000/_framework/blazor.server.js:1:26411)

sorrty i missed some js.

Hi @LeiYangGH
I am getting the same error,
what js were you missing?

Hi @LeiYangGH
I am getting the same error,
what js were you missing?

At least this: <script src=""></script>