
Wrong dataset returned when clicking bar in stacked bar chart

esmorun opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug

I've created a stacked barchart with several datasets (Information, Error, Warning), see screenshot below. When the user clicks a bar, I need to know which dataset the portion of the bar that they clicked belong to. In my case, if they clicked a collection of information, errors or warnings. In my function where I'm handling the ChartMouseEvent, I don't seem to be getting this information, instead it always gives me the first dataset (Information), regardless of which part of the bar the user clicked.

Which Blazor project type is your bug related to?

  • Client-Side

Which charts does this bug apply to?

  • BarChart with several datasets

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Using this version of ChartJSBlazor '2.0.2'.
  2. Create a bar chart with several datasets and connect the OnClick event to a function in the BarOptions:
  3. Read information from the _model property in the function where the click is being handled:
  4. The _model property contains information from the first dataset, even though another one was clicked:
  "backgroundColor": "rgb(16, 229, 87)",
  "borderColor": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",
  "borderSkipped": "bottom",
  "borderWidth": 0,
  "datasetLabel": "Information",
  "label": "22/03",
  "horizontal": false,
  "base": 469.84,
  "x": 821.1667626953125,
  "y": 469.84,
  "width": 76.03767421874998

Expected behavior

I expect to be able to find information on which dataset the portion of the bar that was clicked belong to.


Screenshot 2024-03-22 145048

Additional context / logging

Add any additional context about the problem here.

// Put your error log here

Code example

Please provide full code examples below where possible to make it easier for the developers to check your issues.
Please also add the working JavaScript equivalent so we can see what you were trying to achieve.

private Chart? activityBarChart;
private BarConfig? activityBarConfig;

// Create stacked barchart
    private void InitializeActivityBarChart()
        activityBarConfig = new BarConfig()
                Options = new BarOptions
                    Responsive = false,
                    Legend = new Legend
                        Position = Position.Right,
                        Display = true
                    Title = new OptionsTitle
                        Display = true,
                        Text = "Activity"
                    Scales = new BarScales
                        XAxes = new List<CartesianAxis>
                            new BarCategoryAxis
                                Stacked = true
                        YAxes = new List<CartesianAxis>
                            new BarLinearCartesianAxis
                                Stacked = true
                    OnClick = new DelegateHandler<ChartMouseEvent>(OnActivityBarChartClicked) //Connect OnClick event to OnActivityBarChartClicked

//Handle click event
private void OnActivityBarChartClicked(JObject mouseEvent, JArray array)
    foreach (JObject elem in array)
        var props = elem.GetValue("_model");
        if (props != null)
            if (prop.Name.Equals("datasetLabel"))
                var type = prop.Value.ToString();
// Put your JavaScript code here