A helper library that allows exchanging Protobuf-serialized GUIDs between a Node application and a .NET application that uses Protobuf-net.
Basically the way that a .NET GUID is Protobuf-serialized is insane.The bytes of a GUID are produces with no recognizable endianness.
On top of that, those 16 bytes are sent over the wire as an object with two properties, called lo
and hi
, each being a 64 bit long.
Here's a graphical representation of how protobuf-net serializes a GUID
Use the toProtobufNetGuid
method to package your GUID string into the form of that aforementioned object.
const protobufNetGuid: ProtobufNetGuid = toProtobufNetGuid('00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF');
Then just serialize it with protobufjs and send it over the wire.
Use fromProtobufNetGuid
to convert such an object back into a GUID string.
const recoveredGuid: string = fromProtobufNetGuid(protobufNetGuid);
I warmly recommend having a look at the handful of tests. There's even one with a full roundtrip to a .NET application.
Let's say you have to send a dto from your NodeJs application to your .NET application. The dto has a field containing a GUID. Your code might look like this
const expectedGuid = '00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF';
const dto: Dto = {
Id: toProtobufNetGuid(expectedGuid),
const root = await load(path.join(__dirname, 'types.proto'));
const dtoMessageType = root.lookupType('Dto');
const errorMsg = dtoMessageType.verify(dto);
const dtoMessage = dtoMessageType.create(dto);
const dtoMessageUint8Array = dtoMessageType.encode(dtoMessage).finish();
const base64String = Buffer.from(dtoMessageUint8Array).toString('base64');
const command = `dotnet run --force --project ./src/__tests__/tester/Tester.CLI/Tester.CLI.csproj --byteArray ${base64String}`;
const stdOut = execSync(command).toString();
const decodedDto = dtoMessageType.decode(Buffer.from(stdOut, 'base64')) as unknown as Dto;
const decodedGuid = fromProtobufNetGuid(decodedDto.Id);
The relevant proto file looks like this
syntax = "proto3";
message Guid {
fixed64 lo = 1;
fixed64 hi = 2;
message Dto {
Guid Id = 1;
If you're setting up a new .NET project with protobuf-net, please read this https://protobuf-net.github.io/protobuf-net/compatibilitylevel.html
Buy me a coffee if the library helped you! As always, you can have fun with my code. MIT baby!