The purpose of this project is to explore the lichess database for interesting games and positions. As an example, I created my list of interesting parties by various criteria (see below).
Originally, Chessfactory is my study web chess project, inspired by lichess.
This project has same name prefix, because also study and inspired by lichess :)
Used tools:
- lichess database
- My fork of chesspresso java lib
- Spring with Spring integration
- Clickhouse
I scan lichess database(there was 602M games at march 2019) and here is my results:
Find longest uncrossed knight path in real games
List games, where mate reaches by piece promotion, and winning side has less material
List games sorted by average ranged pieces(B,R,Q) capture distance:
Has ideas?
Your turn :)
If you interested you can read more about tecnhical aspects and implement your own chess research ideas.