
Alternating between C/C++ source and header files

Primary LanguageVim Script


             _   _ _                        _             ~
            /_\ | | |_ ___ _ __ _ __   __ _| |_ ___  _ __ ~
           //_\\| | __/ _ \ '__| '_ \ / _` | __/ _ \| '__|~
          /  _  \ | ||  __/ |  | | | | (_| | || (_) | |   ~
          \_/ \_/_|\__\___|_|  |_| |_|\__,_|\__\___/|_|   ~

              Alternating between headers, source files, 
       template implementations and others with blazing speed!


Just call :Alternate and the window will open a matching source/header file to the currently opened one.


The file extensions the plugin looks for are stored in the following arrays:


Default values are as follows:

let g:alternator_header_extensions = [ '.h', '.hpp', '.tpp', '.ipp' ]
let g:alternator_source_extensions = [ '.c', '.cpp'                 ]

If there are some folders you do not want to scan, the array g:alternator_blacklist_folders holds such folder names.

Default value is:

[ 'node_modules', '.git' ]



  • strips the longest extension, and then looks for a file with the same name, but a different extension
  • it cycles through all the extensions, starting from the longest matching one

Note: it supports even non-standard extensions, doesn't have to be an e.g. .hpp (see example below)

let g:alternator_source_extensions = [ '.c'            ]
let g:alternator_header_extensions = [ '_impl.h', '.h' ]
:edit action.c
# the longest matching extension is '.c', basename is 'action',
# so it will start the search with the next one, 'action_impl.h'

:edit action_impl.h
# the longest matching extension is '_impl.h', basename is 'action',
# so it will start the search with the next one, 'action.h'


The only mapping this plugin provides is: <Plug>(Alternate)


If you have fd in your path, it will be used instead of vim's findfile.