
HTTP Archive files can be large when they contain multiple response bodies. If this content is superfluous to your debugging needs then `shrink-har` allows you create smaller copies of .har files with the response body content stripped out.

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shrink-har screenshot

Shrink-HAR is a command line utility that reduces the size of saved HTTP Archive files by removing the response body.

Caution This tool is destructive. If you're using HAR files to debug API responses, or any other payload, then this tool isn't for you. It is only useful if your debugging needs are limited to HTTP request/response headers thereby rendering the response bodies superfluous.


HTTP Archive files can be large when they contain multiple response bodies. I wrote this tool when I needed to retain dozens of HAR files but was only interested in HTTP headers. The response bodies (images, CSS, Javascript, API JSON, etc) were superfluous to my needs but were the majority of the file sizes.

Shrink-HAR will:

  • Analyse HAR files and report on potential savings.
  • Optionally backup existing HAR files to a ZIP file before shrinking them.
  • Shrink HAR files by stripping them, permanently, of all the response bodies.


Install globally via npm using:

npm install -g shrink-har


By default, running shrink-har without any options will result in an analysis of *.har files in the current directory:


This behaviour can be modified via the following options.


--file <filespec>

Specifies a filename or, using wildcards, a file specification.

Default: *.har


shrink-har --file www.amazon.co.uk.har


shrink-har --file *amazon*.har


--directory <path>

Specifies the target directory.

Default: . (current working directory)


shrink-har --directory ~/Downloads/



Commit changes to files. If absent only an analysis is performed. A confirmation prompt is also shown, which can be modified with --yes.

Default: false


shrink-har --commit



Automatically answer "yes" to confirmation prompts. Use with --commit.

Default: false


shrink-har --commit --yes



Backup all target .har files into a single .zip file before committing changes.

Default: false


shrink-har --commit --backup



Enables verbose output.

Default: false


shrink-har --verbose



Enables debugging output.

Default: false


shrink-har --debug



Switches off colour output.



Display version number.



Displays help screen.


Analyse current directory

Analyse *.har in the current directory:



Verbose output of current directory's analysis

Analyse *.har in the current directory displaying verbose output

shrink-har --verbose

shrink-har --verbose

Shrink all HAR files in current directory (interactive)

Shrink *.har in the current directory, with a confirmation prompt

shrink-har --commit

shrink-har --commit

Backup and Shrink all HAR files in current directory (silent)

Shrink *.har in the current directory, with no prompts, after making a backup

shrink-har --commit --yes --backup

shrink-har --commit --yes --backup

Shrink specific file in specific directory (interactive)

Shrink the file www.example.com.har in ./Downloads after a confirmation prompt

shrink-har --file www.example.com.har --directory ./Downloads --commit

shrink-har --file www.example.com.har --directory ./Downloads --commit

Shrink all HAR files in specific directory without backing up (silent)

Shrink *.har in ./Downloads/HARFiles/ without backing up and with no prompt

Warning, this command permanently removes data silently

shrink-har --directory ./Downloads/HARFiles/ --commit --yes

shrink-har --directory ./Downloads/HARFiles/ --commit --yes

Change Log

The Change Log can be found here