
Connect to an EC2 Instance to Seed Food Trucks

marka2g opened this issue · 0 comments

Once the dynamic_private_key.pem key has been ssh-added and the currently running instance's IP has been written to your local known_hosts file, use the DOCKER_HOST env var to connect to an iex session.


$ ssh-add ./environments/production/dynamic_private_key.pem

$ ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

connect to an iex> REPL

$ DOCKER_HOST=ssh:// iex -S mix

and seed some data

iex> BellyBot.GlobalSetup.seed_food_trucks()

# check the food truck count
iex> BellyBot.FoodTrucks.list_food_trucks() |> Enum.count()

The data gets seeded but is not showing up in the application. Perhaps the docker instance and volume are not communicating? More investigation needed.