Objects created dynamically
pzac opened this issue · 4 comments
I'm using a plugin similar to globalize2 that generates dynamically some active_record objects. Given a Post class the plugin will create dynamically a PostTranslation class,
When I run the tests cover_me complains about the absence of a post_translation.rb file, that obviously doesn't exist.
Is there a clean solution to this problem?
Can you please include the full backtrace for me? Thanks.
That's weird, I can't reproduce it anymore, even reverting the entire project to the git revision where I was having the issue (bundler/gem cache around?). I had solved the problem with the minor patch you can see on my fork.
At that time the backtrace was taking me to CoverMe::Report#source.
Ok. If you can reproduce it again, can you please send me the whole stack trace? Thanks.
Ok, I was able to reproduce. It should be fixed when I push up RC4.