
Compose version Unknown + Minor Typo

hirenshah opened this issue · 3 comments

Current DSM version: 6.2.3
Current Docker version: 18.09.8
Current Docker Compose version: 1.24.0
Target Docker version: 19.03.11
Target Docker Compose version: Unknown
Step 1 from 6: Stopping Docker service
pkgctl-Docker stoped.

Should there be a Docker Compose version displayed, rather than "Unknown"?

Also, "stopped" is spelt incorrectly :p

Strange, the script should indeed detect the latest compose version automatically. Can you try running below command from your Synology command line? It should return '1.26.0'.

curl -s "" | egrep "a href=\"/docker/compose/releases/tag/[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+\"" | head -1 | cut -c 45- | sed "s/\">//g"

The message pkgctl-Docker stoped. is generated by synoservicectl, so unfortunately not a message I can change myself.

Yep, it returned:

Haha, that makes the typo even funnier :D

My guess is that the web scraping call sometimes times out, perhaps GitHub has some kind of rate limiting in place. I encountered a similar issue in another repository. My suggestion is to include a default value for the Docker engine and Docker Compose binary to revert back to in case curl fails.