
Create a web app for better display and searching of the list

markerikson opened this issue · 1 comments

Writing this list as a set of Markdown files in a repo makes it pretty easy to update, but not as easy to browse the list. As a pie-in-the-sky wishlist item, it'd be really cool if there was a web app that parsed the links from the list, collected Github and NPM metadata, and displayed the libs while allowing people to search, filter, and sort entries by Github stars / NPM downloads / etc.

There's an existing similar app over at , and the repo for that app is at . I glanced at it briefly a while back, but just don't have time to build anything like this.

The site is another interesting tool for viewing libs , and I think it's based on NPM packages.

IT'S HAPPENING! The discussion picked up in #60 , and the work is being done over in .