
possible addition: store enhancer

warren-bank opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi. I submit a pull-request to redux yesterday that you closed with the explanation that the functionality is better suited for an (unofficial) store enhancer.

So, I went ahead and wrote one.

Not sure if it's worthy of a mention, but I just wanted to put it out there.. maybe somebody will find it useful.

Cool, glad to see you did that :) One quick suggestion: rather than a generic name like redux-store-enhancer, maybe change the name to something like redux-filter-subscriptions-enhancer ?

do you feel that's still necessary.. even though I'm using an npm scope?

I feel a little silly prefixing all of my npm modules with the scope @warren-bank/ ..but it does create a unique namespace.

..or are you thinking such a name is more descriptive
..having less to do with namespace collision

Not thinking about the scope, but rather having a name that's reasonably descriptive. There are, after all, dozens of Redux store enhancers already, which do a variety of different things. "redux-store-enhancer" tells me it's an enhancer, but not what it actually does . "redux-filter-subscriptions-enhancer" tells me it's an enhancer that deals with filtering subscriptions :)

fair enough.. I'll rename the repo and republish it under the new name to npm

btw.. I really do appreciate the feedback.. I'm pretty much brand new to redux.. so there's a bit of learning curve :)

ok.. all set

the new git repo is here

and the npm module is here

..thanks again for the suggestion