
It's not working

Closed this issue · 2 comments

According to the website, add the the code below should work, but sadly it's not.

<script src="assets/js/jquery.scrollUp.min.js"></script>
    $(function () {
        scrollName: 'scrollUp', // Element ID
        topDistance: '300', // Distance from top before showing element (px)
        topSpeed: 300, // Speed back to top (ms)
        animation: 'fade', // Fade, slide, none
        animationInSpeed: 200, // Animation in speed (ms)
        animationOutSpeed: 200, // Animation out speed (ms)
        scrollText: 'Scroll to top', // Text for element
        activeOverlay: '#00FFFF', // Set CSS color to display scrollUp active point, e.g '#00FFFF'

Hey @0syntrax0, would you be able to provide the full page so I can take a look? Also, just to double check, have you got jQuery included before you load in scrollUp.min.js?

Closing due to inactivity. Please re-open if you are still having issue and I'll investigate.