
Internal Server Error after update, cannot generate Schema

theAdhocracy opened this issue · 1 comments

Since updating to the latest version of Craft (Solo 3.2.10) we haven't been able to use CraftQL. All API queries are returning with HTTP 500 errors (Internal Server Error) but I can't work out why. The URL being queried is correct, so CraftQL appears to be using the right system values.

GraphiQL shows an error message of An unknown error occurred and cannot load Docs panel. When I look in Yii Debugger I see this:

Error: Class 'GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType' not found in /var/sites/t/public_html/craft/vendor/markhuot/craftql/src/Builders/Schema.php:263

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin without success.
PHP version 7.2.11
CraftQL version 1.3.2

Nevermind, still not too sure what the root issue was but I deleted my vendor folder and composer.lock file and ran a composer update locally, then transferred the new files to my server and that fixed the issue.