
Request: Add debug info

juni0r opened this issue · 1 comments


I can't for the life of me get this extension to work. I'm using c8 to generate an lcov report but no matter what I configure as the search location for the file, it just won't work. I tried turning coverage info on and off in the command palette, but no luck here either.

It'd be tremendously helpful, if you could make use of VSCode's debug console to output some info when coverage is turned on and no .lcov file is found. Otherwise it's very difficult to find out what's wrong.

Edit: Just tried the Coverage Gutters Extension and it works like a charm out of the box. So there's nothing wrong with my setup apparently and maybe you'll find some inspiration for report file discovery there?


Aaaaannnnd as always: just started working right after I opened this issue. Nevermind 🤓