
missing import file causing problem: "succesfull", but no file created

Closed this issue · 1 comments

when any of @import file is missing,
Winless shows that compillation is succesfull, but won't create output file.
There's any error information too

Closing all issues.
WinLess 1.x is now in maintenance mode. This means that at this time no feature requests will be accepted. Bug reports are still welcome, but all current issues are closed to make sure that the open issues are only about current bugs.

WinLess 2.x is a rewrite of WinLess using node-webkit. The development of WinLess 2.0 can be followed here. Most of the work is done, however, since my priorities have shifted it is now not clear whether it will ever be finished. Feature requests will only be accepted after the 2.0 release.