
Import/conversion of standard diagram types

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there! Love your work here and at, the aesthetics are 🤌

I'm really interested in what the lift would be to convert more industry standard diagram types (mermaid.js,, etc.) into the data structure required by this library. I'm planning on taking a look at this in some of my off-hours this upcoming week or two, see if it's an easy thing to get going.

The motivation on that is to be able to plug this into existing architecture diagrams in established engineering teams, give them the ability to test-drive this, maybe even have some type of export ability if the conversion isn't too bad.

Not sure if that would be appropriate to add to the library if made, or if it should be published as a plugin or something? As it stands I'm just planning on making it a separate utility, but wanted to get your thoughts on it.

Either way, I'll let you know what I find/come up with!

Hi @therebelrobot. This is a nice idea. I'm not too familiar with Mermaid or Drawio, I'd probably start by looking at a few example payloads to get a sense of how much Isoflow can capture from those editors. Saying that, I think just being able to import nodes and connectors from another editor in a very basic way would be a great start.

Out of the two editors you mentioned, I feel like Mermaid has the most usage in the developer community (60k stars). It also promotes diagrams as code, I'm not sure whether Drawio allows exporting diagrams?

As for publishing, I agree I think it would be best to make a quick proof of concept in a separate repo / branch. I'm happy to be of help. Super looking forward to when you might have something to show.