
Consider allowing to optionally use Elastic.CommonSchema.NLog.EcsLayout for providing Elastic Common Schema support

xprzemekw opened this issue · 5 comments


It looks Elastic as a part of Elastic Common Schema ('ECS') effort introduced NLog support in form of specialized NLog Layout (named 'EcsLayout') that renders LogEventInfo structure to proper JSON representation (as per ECS definition) which is ready to be submitted to Elastic via their Elastic Low Level Client (check and

Can this be considered as a proper way of supporting ECS in NLog.Targets.ElasticSearch?

It seems we would need just a pass through option where RenderLogEvent(Layout, logEvent) output is just sent to Elastic (assuming Layout is properly set to EcsLayout).

The library is still BETA-stage:


But yes when the library can be considered stable, then it would make sense to inject pure Json into the LowLevel-Client.

Please make a PR that can take the output from the Target.Layout and pass as raw Json to the LowLevel-Client. Then you can use this Target together with Elastic.CommonSchema.NLog right now:

    <add assembly="NLog.Targets.ElasticSearch"/>
    <add assembly="Elastic.Apm.NLog"/>
    <add assembly="Elastic.CommonSchema.NLog"/>
   <target xsi:type="ElasticSearch" enableJsonLayout="true">
       <layout xsi:type="EcsLayout" />

Then users can decide if they want to use NLog JsonLayout (high performance) or Elastic EcsLayout (beta) or the LowLevel-Client-JsonSerializer (current)

@xprzemekw Have created #125 that allows you to use JsonLayout (or EcsLayout) for generating document-payload.

@markmcdowell When #125 has been released, then this issue can be resolved.

Closed by #125 thanks to @snakefoot in v7.3.0