
Error: Dynamic require of "path/to/marko.file" is not supported

mikko-severo opened this issue · 1 comments

ver. 1.0.3

Following the example code from the repo page.

I get an Error: Dynamic require of "path/to/marko.file" is not supported.

But if the ""path/to/marko.file" is initially imported somewhere in the layout marko template before the fetch call/event. Then the fetch response would work ("path/to/marko.file"). Mind you, the html string will still be sent/parse and recieved but not the functionality. e.g. "class {onClick(){blah..blah..}

I'm curious as to how to actually use this or I did something wrong?


Closing this. I think The issue has nothing to do with the this library. It could stem from vite.