
Nodejs Website SSL monitoring application with multisite list

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Nodejs Website SSL monitoring application with multisite list and notifications through Slack and Email. App runs Cron job at midnight every day and checks all domains listed in domains.json. SSL certificate will be checked for each domain and alert will be generated and sent through Emails and Slack if configured and enabled.


  • Three levels of alerts: Soft, Warning, Critical. Each levels has configurable number of days for SSL comparison
  • Slack alerts through Webhook
  • Email alert using SMTP
  • Unlimited number of Watched domains
  • No external services involved


App has two configuratio files, Domain list domains.json and configuration.json

domains.json Populate the list with domains you want to watch.

       "domain": "google.com"
       "domain": "yahoo.com"

configuration.json Here you can configure number of days for reminders with 3 levels. Each level has 3 days negative offset and for SOFT_REMINDER system will send reminders of SSL is about to expire in 15, 14 and 13 day. All three levels will work the same way.

       "SOFT_REMINDER": 15,
       "EMAIL_ALERTS": false,
       "SLACK_ALERTS": true


npm install

Ho to run it

Before running the app make sure you create .env file from .env.example and populate as required. Change NODE_ENV to development if you want to se console log output. Keep in mind that development runs checks every number of ms set in CHECK_INTERVAL. On other hand, production ENV runs only at midnight and console output will be minimal.

In development

node index.js

In production

pm2 start index.js

Make sure you have PM2 installed globaly on your system.