
Display tab character

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I created a QR code containing a TAB character tab with this input hello\tworld and saved it as a png image. Then I decoded the image to check. The tab character was correctly inserted into the content but the app does not display it, or at least a symbol to represent it. Can one be added?


Hm, unfortunately I cannot reproduce this 🤔

Scanning this QR Code with the latest version looks like this to me:


I also tried creating a new QR Code the way you described it, including the \t escape sequence, but got the same result as above.

Does this happen with the latest version on your device? If so, what device and Android version are you using?

Thank you for checking. The version is 1.63.8 from fdroid. Android version is 13, stock build. Language is English.

Edit: Device is a cheap Motorola. It runs Android GO, if that makes any difference.

Hm, very strange 🤔 Thank you for filing an issue about this! Will investigate…

This is weird:

Scan the code
The text field displays helloworld
Copy the text field to clipboard
Paste it elsewhere, ie here: hello world
There is a tab chatacter there!
Paste into binary eye:

Look at the hex characters
The tab character is there!

The text field is at fault